Saturday, May 1, 2010

☆ Chapter 7: Autographs and Then?..

The sun's blazing heat tortured everyone the moment they left the hotel, it was beaming through the ozone layer like it was a weak shield, not affecting it at all. The group had just started their search for the autographing site...hoping to find it as soon as possible to get some shade. Who would've thought it was this hot? Passing crowds and crowds of people, they searched and searched...trying to ask for directions didn't help too much with their broken Korean.

"OMG! Why is it so hot?!" Minh complained. "Well no one told you to wear long sleeves you idiot." Aiya retorted. "I didn't think it would be this hot..damn I even wore a dark colored sweater too..UGH! this sucks!" complaining so much eventually got on April's nerves, so she fussed out, "MY GOSH MINH! Quit yapping that mouth of yours already! Geez."

Continuing their search in silence, after so many hours of searching in the hot summer heat...they finally found the spot. How did they know? It was a pretty easy spot to notice with a whole bunch of obvious fan girls squealing with excitement. There were groups of people everywhere through out the area, with Sapphire Blue balloons and fan signs everywhere their eyes looked.

"OMG, i can't believe we found the place!" Aiya starts jumping with excitement and promptly took out her digital camera for pictures. "Oh gosh! Oh gosh! I can't believe we're actually here, to meet Super Junior! I'm like overly excited!" Minh in a thrilled manner. They decided to take some pictures for their special album to pass up time, and roughly trying to chat with other fans was quite hard. Out of the corner of her eye, Feeqa noticed a three black vans coming they're way, and immediately the reactions of all the fans didn't shock her very much. They all started screaming, jumping, and crowding around the van...apparently not too afraid about getting themselves killed. The security guards started blowing they're whistles, but it didn't work...the vans than stopped.

Trying to keep their own excitement in the girls ran towards the van hoping to spot any of the members before the doors opened, the windows were too tinted to look through. They heard the door opened, and the first one out Leeteuk, piercing screams quickly filled the area. Following after him were the rest of the members: Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, Siwon, Shindong, Heechul, Kibum, Hangeng, Sungmin, Kangin, Kyuhyun, and the two chinese members of SJ-M Henry and Zhou Mi.

Alert and energetic Aiya started taking pictures and snapshots of the members as they walked towards the designated area. All of a sudden, Aiya let out a squeal and showed one of those 'oh my god i can't believe it' looks. Staring straight at her, Princess went to see what it was and noticed on her screen a picture of Zhou Mi smiling...straight at her. Luckily no one forgot their cameras...who would? Being pushed and shoved by other fans didn't bother them, just seeing the guys was a total dream come true. Eventually...all the fans started calming down, and a line was formed...a LONG one. One by one, each fan went up and got their signatures, handshakes, a few took pictures with their favorite guy and what not. The time was passing by fast, as the line got shorter and shorter, the girls got more and more excited.

Finally it was they're turn! Minh jumped for joy and headed towards the left, following her were the others. Blushing and stuttering trying to say 'hi' was harder then it seemed, she put her notebook down for the first one to sign. As Minh looked down, Leeteuk looked up and smiled, showing his dimples. Aiya on the other hand went straight for Zhou Mi and slapped her book on the table scaring the crap out of the poor guy. Smiling at Aiya tried to ask for a picture by pointing to her camera, and he nodded.

'click click click'

April, however, smiling but trying to cover her embarrassment looked at Kyuhyun while he was signing her notebook. Cutting her time short, April was shoved to the side by Princess who was trying to get his autopgraph, and they started. Feeqa rushed towards Eunhyuk, hoping to try her Korean. Eunhyuk looked at her in a keen manner, smiling and said 'hi'. Trying to respond quick enough, she was shoved off by another fan. Grouping up together again after everyone had their notebooks officially signed and touched by the SJ members, they stared down and then back up at each other and did a group hug.

There were some fans who didn't get they're chances and left in disappointment, hoping to find another moment like this, the SJ members waved goodbye. April came up with a brilliant plan, and whispered it to the others. Grinning and nodding the girls decided to stalk the guys all the way back to their hotels, passing up the security guards was the problem. Putting a plan together, Minh was supposedly suppose to fake her faint and catch the attention of the security guards, hoping for the others to pass without and trouble. Princess and Feeqa quickly called for a taxi, later following them was Minh, Aiya, and April.

Feeqa appointed to the taxi driver to follow the vans secretly without them finding out. He nodded in agreement and off they went. They secretly followed the van for about an hour, when they came to a complete stop. The van had stopped in front of this luxurious looking building, and spotted the guys climbing out in a sluggish way. Waiting for everyone to completely disppear inside, the girls climbed out the cab and followed them at a safe distance praying not to be caught. Trying not to make an sounds, Minh peeked around the corner and saw half of the group get on the elevator..waited...and then the other half got in a few minutes after. Looking around to make sure the area was clear, she hand signaled the others to come around and climbed into the elevator following after them to the top floor.

Once the door opened, they poked their heads out and looked around and saw no one. Princess spotted at the last second Eunhyuk up ahead going into the dorm. Sneaking down the hall the girls went into action and followed after towards SJ's dorm. Princess spotted the door and halted to a stop making the others run into her without further notice, Feeqa was about to open her mouth when it was covered by Minh. Putting her fingers to her lips, Feeqa understood and didn't make a sound. Looking at the door, not knowing what to do...after getting this far, they couldn't leave. Trying to come up with something quick, suddenly the doorknob began to turn and it creaked open. The girls stared wide-eyed and froze, suddenly in panic mode they didn't know whether to stay there and wait for who would come out, or run away.

The door opened wider and they heard someone's voice, it was Sungmin. For a second, it was like an 'oh shit what do we do' moment, but before they could react, he turned his head and spotted them. Freezing at the door Sungmin stared straight at the girls in shock, while the girls stared back at him.

"Oh....shit..." Minh in her lowest voice possible.