Saturday, June 19, 2010

☆ Chapter 9: A Night to Remember

Minh's eyes popped open again. She stared up at the ceiling and looked around the his room in total darkness. She heard his soft and quiet breathing, and as she looked down on the floor she saw slightly how his chest rose and fell. Taking her eyes off the bed, she closed her eyes again and tried to remember the short shared memorable moment they had together before bed.

Standing at the doorway, afraid to come inside the room...but Leeteuk warmly welcomed her in with his angelic smile showing his dimples. Shyly and slowly she rose her head to look at him, as he said, "Come on in! I won't bite." he let out a small chuckle. Minh slightly started to enter the room and stood by his bed, nervous..not knowing what to say or do. Looking towards where Leeteuk was, he was probably digging for a pair a comfortable pajamas for her to wear. He finally found a t-shirt and a pair of long soft pair of pants.

He shoved them into Minh's arms, "Here, you can wear these. They're clean, hopefully it'll fit." Minh stared down at them and silently started describing it in her mind.

...white t-shirt...and white pants...hmm...two couples with the word 'LOVE' on top. It look like its winter since there's a scarf wrapped around the couples neck. Oh well works enough for me...

" you have a bathroom?" Minh asked nervously. Leeteuk let a small grin a pointed to the door that was located next to his computer desk. Minh went into the bathroom, and was shocked. Everything was made out marble and tiles, the bathtub was really big...looked like it could fit 4 people. Looking around she noticed the shower and toilet shared the same small area and behind her was Leeteuk's closet. There was a small crack in the door, 'A small peek wouldn't hurt..' she said to herself.

She carefully inched her way towards the closet and opened the door. Looking around everything was well organized from jewelery to eye wear, shirts to pants..but most of it was white..obviously it was his favorite color. Realizing the time, she left closet and rushed into the PJ's that were given to her and exited the bathroom back into Leeteuk's room. Looking down, she noticed that there was a floor mattress already set up next the bed with a pillow and blanket. Leeteuk wasn't around, he must've left to go do something.

Within a few minutes he came back in his own pajamas, "Looks like your all set! You can take my bed, I'll take the mattress." I stared at him, "B-but the be- I'd rather take the mattress." He started to deny and pointed to the bed, "You'll take the bed, don't worry it won't cause me any harm sleeping on the floor for once."

Minh silently climbed onto the bed and started making herself, fluffing up the pillow and spreading out the blanket. Within the next ten minutes, the lights were out and Leeteuk was sound asleep.

...poor leader over works himself too much..i hope he stays healthy...and I hope SJ stays together...

Minh woke up from the sound of birds chirping, stretching she looked down and he was still sleeping. She quietly climbed out of bed, and changed her clothes..leaving the borrowed pj's neatly folded on a chair with thank you note.

Dear Teukie oppa,

Thank you much for letting us stay the night, i'm sorry for all the trouble me and my friends caused for you and the rest of the members. it was a memorable night getting to know most of you personally...sorry i took your bed for the night..and thanks again. Hopefully we'll get another chance to run into each other again, probably then i'm able to make it up to you.

Your #1 fan,

Minh left the room quietly and realized the others were already in the living room up and ready. The group of girls looked around the dorm one last time and left silently without stating another word. Aiya let out of sigh, "Ah~ too bad we had to leave would've been nice if we had breakfast with them..." her shoulders slumped in disappointment. Princess patted her back, "Its okay Aiya..I'm sure we'll run into them again...after all we are staying here for 3 months." Feeqa and April nodded in agreement to everything, looks like they were still tired, Minh just kept walking along hoping to get to the hotel so she could sleep more.

It was 7am and they were walking towards they're hotel, everyone was dead tired not thinking of nothing more then sleep. After walking about another half a mile, they reached the hotel where they were supposed to stay at last night. The girls entered the hotel and headed to there designated rooms, passing out without saying anything.

'an hour later'

The members woke up to start off their schedule. Leeteuk was getting changed and noticed a piece of paper and the pj's that were borrowed last night neatly folded on the chair. He picked up the paper and read it over slowly, finishing it up and smiled and placed it back on his desk. He rushed out his room when the manager rushed for them to hurry up.

All the members shared one van, "Did anyone else get a letter this morning..?" Leader asked. Everyone shook their heads, Eunhyuk stared at him, "What's up hyung? Did the girl leave a note or something?" Leeteuk nodded slowly, "It was a thank you note." Sungmin raised an eyebrow, "Really?..what'd it say?" The members were curious now, all staring at their leader for an answer. Chan is cool.

"It didn't say much, she was just thanking me for letting her stay the night and not sending them off." he explained. The rest of the members went silent, looking out the window without another reply back.

On the other hand...the girls were still sound asleep in their beds. It must've been a long night, right? What kind of fangirl would get a wink of slumber..sleeping in SJ dorm?

Minh stirred in her sleep, she was smiling...looks like a dream worth hearing about. Princess popped open one eye and realized was already getting late. She got up out of bed to wake up her roommate, Aiya who was sharing the bed next to hers. "Aiya..wake up.." Princess shook her until she woke, but Aiya ignored and stirred in her bed. Princess sighed, "Fine..whatever I'll just leave you alone." and walked off next door to Minh's room.

'knock knock'

Princess waited a little bit, but no one came to answer the door.

'knock knock'

"Hmm..she must be sleeping still..." and so Princess dragged herself to the room where Feeqa and April shared. She was about to knock on the door, but the door was already unlocked, so she twisted the door knob and flung the door wide open.

"WOAH!" Feeqa let a shout, "The door almost hit me!" Princess peeked around from the crack in the doorway, "Sorry Feeqa..."

Feeqa stared at Princess, "What's the matter? You look pretty depressed..or you just tired?" Princess was already inside the room looking around, "Not depressed, just tired. Where's April?" Feeqa pointed towards the bathroom door, "Showering." Princess stared outside the window with a blank expression.

"Do you think we'll ever get another chance to be with them again? To me, it felt like it was all just one long dream." Princess went and sat on the bed. "I'm sure we will, I mean SJ literally travels everywhere..i'm sure were bound to bump into them again." Feeqa nodded happily, remembering last night.

April just then comes out the bathroom with her hair all wet and damp, you could see the steam flowing out the bathroom door. She looked between Feeqa and Princess, "What's the matter guys?" Princess shrugged her shoulders, "Oh nothing much, just came by for a visit..since Minh didn't answer her door." April sighed, "Well that's Minh for ya..she hardly ever answers anything."

Just then Minh came into the room, "What about me? Hey peeps! How's it going!" Feeqa looked at her, "Your awfully hyper this afternoon..hahaha..was it because of yesterday night?" Letting out one of her wide grins, she nodded.

...thought so...

Minh looks around and notices Aiya wasn't there. "Is she still sleeping?" Everyone nods.


Suddenly, Minh thinks of a devious idea and tells the other three. Leaving the room giggling, they head back towards Princess and Aiya's room. The door had small crack in it, "Hmm..must've not closed it all the way.." Princess thought to herself.

-shrugs her shoulders-

"Oh well.." They walk into the room and see that Aiya was comfortably stuffed under her blanket and snoozing, not hearing her friends enter the room. Minh opens the mini fridge that was on the desk and grabs the four cold water bottles, hands them to each one. Each opens their water bottle and chugs a mouthful of water, Minh fell behind since she wanted to do the yelling. Trying hard to keep their laughter in..Minh yells out, "WATER SCRRREEENN!!!!" She quickly chugs and mouthful and they all spit on Aiya.

"AAAHHHH!!!! What the helll?!" Aiya yells.

Everyone busts out laughing.

"That's what you get for not waking up!" They all yelled out.

"Ughhh! That was so gross! Why'd you have to do that for?! Now i have to shower!!" Aiya throws aside the blanket and runs to the bathroom, leaving her friends in a die hard laughing moment.


  1. i wanna know what happen to me and my Hae xDD

  2. whaaaah..I SUPER LOVE IT..:)))
    well I hope we'll get a chance to se them again..aww..Aiya..water xcreen's FUN! XDDD

    thanks unnie! XDD I'm waiting for the next chapter..whaah..only teukie got a letter..puhaha..yey!! :))

