Tuesday, April 27, 2010

☆ Chapter 6: Say What?!

Slowly dragging their stuff along behind them, in total amazement the girls looked around the building in awe; staring up at the rather large chandelier that was hanging above them and glimpsed at how the walls and floor were made of pure marble. Taking their eyes off the rather bright and glossy appearance of the inside, they looked forward and headed towards the front counter. Once they got to the desk, the clerk quickly looked up as if she was guilty of something.

'clerk clearing her voice'

"Y-yes, how c-can I help you?" the clerk stuttered.

Staring directly at her oddly, Feeqa asked for two available rooms to stay for the night. Bringing her attention back towards the computer, the clerk quickly looked up for any available rooms; patiently the girls waited..

'sneaking looks around the area, adjusting her glasses'

"It seems you've made it just in time...there is the pent house and one extra room on the top floor" she says. Of course, after hearing the word 'pent house', you would think..thats the most expensive room in a hotel suite. To keep themselves from the jaw-dropping expression...Minh asked for the prices of the rooms.

"The pent ouse would be 278,832 won." Looking at the screen she began clicking and then answered, "and..the room would be 55,768 won." The math genius, Princess began converting in her head.

Interrupting the silence, Princess replied, "thats means the penthouse would be around...$250...and..the room is approximately $50 or so." All eyes turned to Princess, and what she saw witnessed, was as though the others were all electrocuted. Everyone was completely surprised.

Princess tilted her head in confusion, "What?" and Aiya replied, "Are you like..a mathematical genius or something? I can't even multiply right without writing it down." The two just stared at each other for a moment and then the clerk broke their silent stares at each other.

"So..may I ask what your going to do?" she asked politely.

The girls looked at each other and began to talk it over throughly.

April asked first, "Well first of all...how much do each of us got?" Pausing for a short moment and then the girls began digging in their purses and pockets for some change.

Minh replied, "I have about $30."
Aiya replied, "me..got..-counts- $15."
Princess counts her cash, "Let's see, I have around $40."
Feeqa digs out her excess change, "Got $10."

and finally April counts her money and comes out with, $50. Slowly she began adding in her head, and finally said, "so all together that would be...$145?" The girls let out a big long sigh. Then April looks around, and says, "We have enough just for the one room...maybe we can share it between the five of us..."

Without an final words, the girls agree and April rents the room. The clerk gives Feeqa the room key, and points at the butler that was next to the elevator. "He will help you bring your luggage, enjoy your stay." Feeqa nods and thanks the clerk, and the girls head towards the elevator. Spotting them walking towards him with so much luggage, the butler quickly reacts and takes their things, and sticks them on the cart. Following the butler, the girls begin filing into the elevator and Minh clicks the button to the highest floor.


Finally the elevator dings and the door opens, following the guy out the elevator, they were lead into this long narrow lighted hallway. It was extremely quiet, but they quietly continued to follow without complaint. The butler then stops at the door with their luggage and other things, and points towards the door. Staring at it and back, he girls thanks the guy for the help and he quietly and silently walks off without and answer.

Taking the out the key, Feeqa inserts it into the key hole and unlocks the door and then girls enter quietly anxious to see what it would look like inside. Inside the room, were two queen sized beds, a couch, and a TV set. Across the room was a door that lead to the balcony outside that held a nice night city view of Seoul. The bathroom had one of those bath connected with a shower head, but two separate sinks.

Walking in one by one, the girls began setting their things down on the floor. Instantaneously Minh goes for the nearest bed and hops on it, the fluffiness of the mattress quickly sinks her in and she lets out a big sigh of happiness. April on the other hand, starts unpacking her a pair of pajamas and heads for the bathroom. Aiya jumps on the other bed and and grabs the remote turning on the TV to see if there was anything to interesting to watch. Feeqa finds the couch and slouches down into the comfort as if she's never been on one before, and lastly, Princess heads for the balcony to view the beautiful night scenery.

After a while April comes out of the bathroom looking refreshed and clean, "this room isn't too shabby huh?" The others nod in agreement, because it was quite large for a normal sized room. Minh gets up from the bed and heads takes her shower, and within the next hour everyone was in their pajamas, tired and ready for a good nights sleep. Since there weren't enough beds, Aiya and Princess shared one and April and Feeqa shared the other..Minh took the couch.

Falling asleep, the night quickly went by and the sun began to rise. The birds were chirping and the wind was blowing against the balcony window. Opening one eye, Princess was the first one to wake up. Sitting up slowly, rubbing her eyes and looking around the unfamiliar room, forgetting where she was for the short moment.

'Where am I?...oh yeah...I forgot..we landed late last night...and came to this hotel'

She noticed that the others were still asleep, getting up off the bed she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and rinse up. The running of the sink faucet woke up Minh who was laying on the couch in an awkward position. Opening her eyes and blinking a few times, she looked up at the ceiling and stared. After the passing of a few minutes, she got up and headed towards the bathroom, slightly waving good morning at Princess who had just finished. Turning on the shower head, Minh took her morning shower to wake herself up. Princess unpacked her things, and went to wake the others who were still sleeping soundly. Since they didn't wake up easily...the best thing to do was...


"TIME TO WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!!! IT'S MORNING!!!!" she yelled out. Apparently no one had moved and inch, and so she began to pull off blankets and pillows. Losing her pillow, Aiya head bumped smacked into the bed head waking her up instantly. April and Feeqa who were sharing the blanket, began to feel cold and tried to feel for the cover that went missing. Agitated, Princess slaps both of their thighs really hard waking them up and of course..leaving her hand mark.

Everyone was awake now, Minh had just finished her shower and walked out the bathroom when their was a knock at the door.

'knock knock'

Staring at the doorway, Minh yells out, "Who is it?!" and an answer came from the other side.

"Breakfast is ready."

Opening the door, the butler walks in with a cart filled breakfast trays for the girls. Eyeing the food, the Aiya's mouth begins watering and jumps up for the breakfast tray quickly grasping it in her hands and pulling it away. Everyone else takes their tray in a polite manner and thanks the butler. Walking out the door, Minh shuts the door and walks back towards her tray. Looking down she realized one of the items was missing that she had seen before..she quickly looked up to see who the thief was and noticed Aiya's over filled mouth.


Slightly shocked from the sudden yell of her name, she looks at Minh.."Whu?! I yiyn't oo ut!" Glaring at Aiya, Minh says, "You stole my eggs!" Just then the innocent look disappears from Aiya's face, quickly swallowing her food, Aiya whines, "but i was realllyy hungry! i couldn't stop staring down your eggs, they looked so yummy!"

Ticked off, Minh ignores Aiya and starts munching on what was left over on her tray while everyone else had just finished theirs. Breaking the silence, April grabs the remote and turns on the TV to the news channel. Looking at the screen, she notices a familiar group of guys.

Quickly yelling out, "OMG! IT'S SUPER JUNIOR!" Making everyone else cough on their last bit of food. Aiya yells out, "HUH?! WAH? REALLY?!" and quickly stares at the TV set. Just then, everyone goes silent to hear the news reporter saying, "These group had just finished they're second Asia tour performing Super Show 2 at many different locations around Asia. The did a great job a succeeded well, now fans are going wild hoping to see Super Show 3."

"Ohh! ~ Those fans are sooo lucky!! I wanna see them live too!" Minh whines. "I only got to see them through the computer screen...ahh ~ Teukie oppa..I wanna see you ~" Aiya then comes up with a brilliant plan.

"Hey! How about searching for the entertainment industry!?"

"How we going to do that, half of us can't even speak or read Korean.." Princess says. Just then, the news reporter announces news that shocked the girls.

"Super Junior will be in Seoul for an autograph session this afternoon, many fans found out about this and are really excited."

The girls jaw-dropped without hesitation. Staring at each other, the started to grin and smile brighter then ever. Without hearing the rest of it, the girls jump out of their beds and started rushing to get changed. After that, Minh turns of the TV and they all head downstairs to the lobby. Once they got downstairs, Minh notices a sign, without reading it she runs towards the door and looks through it noticing twenty different computers free of use.

"HOLD ON!" Minh yells behind her and enters the room without a second thought. "I got to find their location..." She quickly searches the net and within the next 10 minutes she finds a detailed map that a fan posted up and quickly prints it out. Running out the room, she meets up with the rest of the group and holds up the paper.

"Check this out, I found out where the session is going to be held at!"

"OMGee Minh! I'm so glad you thought of that, or we would've been wandering aimlessly around the streets." April says excitedly. Everyone starts jumping for joy, and the girls group together hoping for a success.

"Okay..Let's Do This!" Aiya screams, and everyone smacks their hands on top of one another.


Too excited to keep still, the girls rush out the door towards the bright sunlight, and begin they're first day in Korea.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

☆ Chapter 5: Our Destination..? South Korea

The bright sunlight cracked through the airplane window sill..waking up April who was enjoying her cozy slumber. Removing the earphones and adjusting her seat, she looked around to see how everyone else was doing.

"Looks like their still sleeping..." she mumbled to herself.

Lifting the window cover, the sunlight slowly peeked through shining bright enough hopefully to wake everyone else up. As April looked out the window, they were still above the marshmallow clouds...it looked as though the plane was flying at a extremely slow speed. Staring down at nothingness amused April, as she loved watching the clouds when she was younger but this time above air. Suddenly she was interrupted by the flight attendant...

"Excuse me ma'm? Would you like some breakfast?" the lady asked.

In reply April said, "Yes please, and thank you." The lady took out a breakfast tray from underneath the cart and handed it to April. As the lady set the tray in April's hand, she asked, "Would you also like a beverage to drink?"

"Water please," April requested. Giving her the water, the lady said, "Enjoy your meal, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask," and moved on to the next seat. Letting out a big sigh, April stared down at her breakfast tray that contained 2 slices of toast, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Looking at it made her mouth water and so she dug in.

'after 15 minutes'

"Whew! That hit the spot..I didn't think I was that hungry," she thought. Slowly drinking down her glass of iced water, April spotted something moving at the corner of her eyesight. Apparently...Minh made a tiny movement in her sleep, trying to get comfortable..her hand lifted up in the air and smacked the glass out of April's hand spilling it all over Princess.

"AH! THAT'S COLD!!" Princess popped up yelling in her seat, disturbing Minh who didn't even bother looking up to see the cause of it. "...ughh..keep it down will you..i'm trying to sleep here..." Minh mumbled in her sleep, shifting the blanket up to cover herself more. Princess's yell woke up Aiya and Feeqa who were sound asleep.

Rubbing her eyes, Aiya sat up and looked around to find out where the sudden scream came from. Feeqa sat up and immediately looked to where Princess was sitting and pointed that direction, making it supposedly simpler for Aiya instead of searching around. Stunned at what just happened, April took hold of her napkin and immediately started to wipe down Princess apologizing; while wiping April used all her force to kick Minh in the shin to wake her up.

"THE HELL! OUCH! What was that for?!" Minh popped up feeling the pain in her right leg. "YOU!" April fussed back. With a confused expression on her face, Minh having no idea what just happened randomly thought from the top of her head...she was being yelled at for no reason. Ticked off, April started fussing at Minh.

"Look what you did, you idiotic moron!" April rapidly points at the water spills on Princess's shirt. Slowly but surely, it took a few seconds for Minh to respond to that; and she yelled back, "Well! It's not like I did it on purpose!" After a while the argument slowly got to a climax and awoke everyone passenger in the plane. Other passengers started towards the back and noticed the random yelling and screaming, and random man yelled, "SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY! YOUR BICKERING IS DISTURBING THE OTHERS HERE!" That of course...ticked off Minh and the next thing you knew...everyone was screaming and hollering at each other.

'the sudden chaos alerted the flight attendant at the front of the plane'

Walking through the curtains, the attendant powered up the radio and announced, "SHUTTT UPPPP!!!!!!"


After a while it registered to the passengers and shocked them to hear such a thing over the intercom. The intercom went silent for a few minutes and then came back on announcing something more polite, "Please calm yourselves...you're all disturbing the pilot's..they're trying to fly this plane."

It was silent, and then a sudden uproar responded in return.


Everyone was talking all at once, but it didn't bother Aiya...because she was thinking about something totally different.

'a flight attendant said...shut up? cursing..i thought they were suppose to be well trained. what kind of company would hire somebody like that?...really? oh well..this might get interesting.'

Trying to shake off all those questions, Aiya shook herself back to reality. She looked to her left and noticed Feeqa's shocked look. Ignoring that, she turned towards Minh, April, and Princess and noticed they were dead silent. Looking around, she noticed everyone yelling and screaming out randomly..then..she couldn't take it anymore. She stood up in her seat and screamed from the top of her lungs, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!!"

Immediately...total silence.

Eyeing everyone, Aiya took a breather and said in a calm manner, "Everyone you need to be calm, no ones going to die or anything. The sudden uproar is causing everyone to panic..so please...just sit back down in your seats...think happy thoughts and enjoy the rest of the plane ride to your destination."


'Everyone takes their seat slowly and steady, but soft whispers and murmurs go about'

Thinking to herself, not noticing the OMGee expressions on all her friend's faces. Minh and April had their mouth's hanging wide open, while Feeqa and Princess just stared at her wide-eyed in amazement. Smiling, she looked at her friend's with satisfactory and noticed their expressions.

"What...?" she said.

April replied, "That was brave of you."

"Heh..thanks.." Aiya shyly admits, then she shifts her eyes towards Minh who had given her the "OMG that was FRICKEN AWESOME" look. Not bothering, Aiya moves on the her partner Feeqa.

Feeqa stares at her and replies, "Amazing...."

"Definitely something I wouldn't be brave enough to do.." Princess comments. Immediately after that, the intercom comes back on and announces that the plane will be arriving at it's destination within the next hour and then shuts off.

Bouncing up and down with excitement, Aiya starts squealing with happiness. Minh looks outside her window and thinks..'yes we're almost there!' While April randomly grabs Minh and starts shaking uncontrollably with glee. Feeqa and Princess were in total stillness, but you could tell they were happy too. Slowly the time begins the pass.

'an hour later'

"Ah ah, testing..is this thing on?" the flight attendant voice hovers over the intercom and suddenly starts tapping to make sure the sound was clear. "Looks like it does..-ahem- Ladies and Gentleman..we are arriving at our destination. Please fix your seat in an upright position and buckle your seat belts, thank you."

Slowly the girls feel the sudden pressure, of the plane going downwards and their ears begin to pop. Looking outside again, April notices right below her, the capital of Korea...Seoul. In amazement, she stares down at the city as the view gets closer and closer. The sudden screech of the plane notifies the others that they have finally landed. As the plane finds its parking space near the airport gates, the girls silently wait in they're seats until a complete stop.


Once the seatbelt sign turned off, the girls shot right up and started gathering their belongings together. The flight attendant opens the hatch and the other passengers slowly start gathering their belongings and filing out the door. Rolling their suitcases, the girls enter the Seoul airport and looking up across it said 오신 것을 환영합니다 서울, 한국.

Feeqa drags her eyes across the foreign sign and reads aloud, "Welcome to Seoul, Korea." The other girls immediately turn their attention towards Feeqa in shock, and without wasting another minute..

"You can...read that?" Aiya asked and Feeqa nods.

"Woww...those just look like lines to me..." Minh says, staring at the sign one last time.

Then without another thought, Feeqa says, "Well I've been studying my Korean for a while, i'm surprised i could read it myself." The girls start walking and staring around in total awe. Pulling the suitcases out the door, Feeqa calls for a taxi driver for the five of them and explains in Korean where they're destination is.

"우리는 피곤하고 지쳐, 우리는 당신이 근처에서 가장 가까운 호텔로 우리를 데리고해야합니다."
(we're tired and exhausted, we need you to bring us to the closest hotel near here.)

All the girls packed the suitcases in the trunk and filed into the taxi. The taxi driver nods in agreement and takes off towards the hotel suite.

'20 minutes later'

The group of friends finally arrives to the hotel, they start filing out the car, Feeqa thanks the driver and pays him before shutting the door. Gathering in a circle, Minh announces, "We finally arrived...let's get this vacation started!"

"YEAHHHH!!!!!" the rest of them scream, causing bystanders to look their way.

Quickly, looking up at the name of the hotel and looking down again, the girls move on in through the automated double doors and enter...not knowing of the future events that will take place ahead of them.

☆ Chapter 4: Shopping, Packing, and Leaving

'half the day into shopping'

"Aiiiyyyaaaa!!! Aren't you done yet..? Does it seriously take you this long...for a wardrobe?" April complains. Right when Aiya was about to answer her, she hears another complaint.

"My legs are tired!!!!..can we sit down..PLEASE?!" Feeqa says in a frustrated manner, and when April was about to answer...just then a 3rd complaint comes along..of course Minh. "AIYY-" but before she could finish the rest of her name, Aiya immediately turns around and shouts out.

"OH! STOP BEING WHINEY BABIES ALREADY! SHEESH! I never complain going shopping with any of you."

Minh then points out, "but thats different, we don't stay here half the day looking for clothes." The feeling of agitation gets to Aiya as she drags her handful of shopping bags towards a table. "Fine we'll take a break."

"YES! FINALLY!" everyone else but Aiya shouts with excitement. Once they had their table, their stomaches were growling like no tomorrow..so food obviously came to mind. "Man i'm so hungry..." Minh says, but then realizing she hasn't heard a complaint from this one person...Princess. "How come you haven't talked at all today?"

Princess says, "Tired..thats all." Staring back at Minh realizing she didn't bother listening to her answer, she spotted everyone else at the Starbucks counter. "Coffee..I could definitely use some of that for sure," and walks over towards the rest of them.

Once everyone was satisfied with their drinks and food, they started to chat on about the trip and how exciting it would be. "OMGee! I can't wait til' next weekend! We're gonna be so tired..but then we're gonna have a best time of our lives at the same time!!" All giddy and excited as Feeqa jumps up and down in her seat.

Excited about their upcoming trip, drinking, laughing, and enjoying their time together..made time go by faster then expected.

'The night before the trip'

Let's just say..all the girls are extremely happy for the trip...I mean who wouldn't be? They're all packing their suitcases, yelling for their parents asking if they needed anything, checking the checklist to see they didn't forget anything..of course the passport. Now we surely can't forget that...wait! Let's rewind back a little bit there...passport? Uh oh...someone was panicking...I wonder who it is? Let's go on with the story and find out for ourselves.

"MMMOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!! DDDDDDDAAAAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!! HAVE YOU SEEN MY PASSPORT?!?!?! I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!!" Minh yells frantically. Of course she would lose it...she loses everything..the messiest person in the group.

Shocked by the sudden yell from their daughter, her parents go running upstairs to see what the problem was. "My dear gosh Minh, what was that yelling for?" her mom says.

"My passport!! I can't find my passport!! I really need it, I can't leave without my passport!" Minh says frantically. Following Minh with their eyes, her parents begin to ask her questions where she last placed it.

Okay okay..let's move on to the next person...Aiya. Well unlike Minh, Aiya seems perfectly normal...right? You would probably think she's already in bed.

WRONG! As you can see..she's running around herself, packing the last minute..and what time is it?...midnight.

"Oh geez oh geez...where did I put those pair of jeans at?" Pacing around her room, Aiya tries to think a few hours back. "Think Aiya think! where did i last put it? Closet?..no..i just checked there. Drawer? no..not there either.." and then it clicked. "AH! WASHER! DAMN IT! now i have to go dry it!" As she runs down the stairs quickly down towards the laundry room to find her favorite pair of pants dripping with water. "ugh..great.." quickly she tears them out the washing machine and immediately throws them in the dryer.

Now that's pretty much taken care of..let's go check out how April's doing. Oh? Look it here..surfing the web..? Well then..where's her suitcase?...*spots the suitcase neatly zipped up and ready* Looks like she's finished. Nothing much to see here i suppose...moving on.

Feeqa on the other hand...is already asleep. Of course you need your beauty rest for a nice and bright wonderful morning. Let's not bother her here...shhhhh.....!! Let's see how Princess is doing.

"There! ALL DONE!" Princess smiles happily placing her passport on top of her suitcase..hoping she won't forget it. Finally finished with her packing, Princess checks her phone to see if she missed anything..and apparently not. No calls, nor texts messages. As she dresses herself for bed, her phone goes off...and who is it? MINH!

'flips open her phone to answer it'

"....hello?" Through the speaker she hears rummaging noises and random sounds. "hellooo?" Princess answers again. After a few minutes, "maybe it was an accidental call?...oh well. Time for bed!"

'closes her phone'


'the morning of the trip'

Everyone was to meet at the airport by 12 that afternoon, but before that...came a final breakfast before the long 3 month vacation. Quickly munching through the breakfast, Minh looks at her watch. "OH SNAPS! It's already 11:30...we gotta hurry!" After hearing that of course..everyone chokes on a piece of something and starts slurping and throwing everything leftover on their dish into their stomachs.

'at the airport'

By the time the girls and their parents got to the airport...they had made it just in time to go through the luggage claim and security check to get their plane tickets. "oohhh this is a dream come true! i can't believe we're really going...i just can't believe it!" Aiya says, dreamingly staring at her ticket.

Minh who was staring at her like she was in her own dream land could only say, "Wooowwww...a free ticket to Seoul...ahhh ~," but then she gets interrupted by a tug on her arm.

"Oh geez you two! hurry up will you?! we're gonna be late if you just keep standing here," Feeqa says. As quick as the week passed by, going through the security check and luggage claim went by like nothing, and the next thing you know..they were already waving their parents goodbye.

On the plane, everyone was getting comfortable in their seats, and as for the girls who were going overseas for the first time...were truly amazed at how big the airplane was. It had 10 individual seats going across and 7 rows filled with people. Looking who was sitting next to her, April quickly looks up and notices Princess and Minh..and then Aiya and Feeqa the next row over. Minh had already snoozed off, must've had a hectic night she thought to herself. Princess was reading her reading her book that she was so into and didn't bother looking up. As for Aiya and Feeqa..they were chatting away about their own business.


'28 hour flight...I mind as well take a nap since I got nothing else to do.' April thought. So then she leans her seat backwards, puts her earphones on and listens to her ipod. Feeling the smooth rhythm of the plane..she quickly falls asleep.

☆ Chapter 3: The Final Decision

'The next morning'

The girls group together at Minh's house for a meeting, staring at each other not knowing where to start off. "OKAY...!" Feeqa slams her hands on the table to rid of the silence, "what's the plan here? we can't just leave this alone..or we'll never get to go."

Startled by the sound, Princess adds in, "well it's not like we have a choice..our parents are still deciding."

"I just don't understand why they won't let us go..I mean we're not kids anymore, we just graduated high school for god's sake!" Aiya exclaims. "I'm glad they're talking it over, but who knows how long they'll take..they probably won't answer us until the last minute."

'Minh begins to ponder'

"Minh what should we do?!" Everyone puts their eyes on Minh, hoping for an immediate answer.

'what should we do? i wish i could have total control over they're decision'


'but i don't...why do they make things harder then it seems? a simple yes would solve this whole problem'



Getting back to reality..."ah ~ sorry..i was thinking to myself again...," said Minh. "Well geez, quit going off into your own world, we need to solve this situation!" Aiya says. Not knowing what to say, the girls go into silent mode.

"ARRGGHHHH!!! THIS ISN'T WORKING OUT RIGHT! What happened to a simple YES?!" Feeqa says in frustration.

"Well we can't do anything until our parents make their decision," April says in a calm manner. "Getting frustrated won't help a thing..calm down will you Feeqa."

Minh gives out a big sigh and lays down. "Plus we can't leave without our passports either...my parents have it locked up in the safe. I don't even know the code to it...being patient for now is the best we can do."

"Maybe they're just afraid something bad will happen to us..." Princess mumbles quietly. "It is quite scary flying overseas for so many hours."

'as the hours pass, the sun sets slowly...the girls begin to think it might not work after all, and slowly begin to fall asleep..until...'

"GIRLSSS!! COME DOWNSTAIRS IMMEDIATELY!!!" the yelling startled them and they immediately got up and ran downstairs to see what was going on.

Coming down the stairs..they turn towards the opened livingroom door and notice all the parents gathered together, with a serious expression on each of their faces.

"Ohhh...boy," Aiya quietly whispers. Silently she begins to pray for a positive feedback from her parents, hoping for them to say yes.

Clearing his throat, Minh's father explains the situation carefully.

'Blah blah blah blah'

After hearing what everyone had to say, slowly but surely...the girls began to smile.

"So...does that mean we can go?" Minh says.

Minh's father holds his finger up, "Yes it does...BUT.." Minh stares at him, "but what?"

'clearing up his throat' Minh's father finishes up his words, "you must follow this one rule in order for you to go."

"....go on..." Minh says.

Minh's father goes on explaining the situation. "You'll each receive a personal cellular device, that WE..us parents only know about. It had our numbers already saved in it...as long as you call us at least every other day, that way we'll kno-"

Minh cuts him off, "to know were safe right? yes get that. now let's get to the point here...is that a yes?"

All the parents look at each other and nod in agreement and immediately the girls go haywire with excitement.


"HOLD IT!" Feeqa's mother screams at the overly excited girls.

Shocked from the sudden scream, the girls stop right then and there, staring at Feeqa's mother. "You can't go anywhere without your passports."

Slowly their passports their parents remove the passports from their hands, Aiya immediately snatches hers and dashes for the stairs.

"Woah...talk about major road-runner..." Minh stares after her and then turns her attention back to her parents.

After thanking their parents and giving them so many hugs and kisses, the girls all head back upstairs. They begin talking about places they would want to visit and who to meet. Chatting happily and excitedly for so long, made time pass quickly. Eventually it got dark and everyone began heading home, hoping the week will pass by fast enough for them to leave.

'laying in her bed, April begins to think how exciting it would be to travel some place other than the states. Being so excited put her to sleep looking towards the upcoming day."

The sun shining brightly through her curtains, Minh slightly groans hoping for a few more hours of sleep...when her phone went off.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~

Annoyed with her phone, she looks at the caller ID and recognizes the number, flipping open the phone and then shutting it ignoring the phone call. On the other hand..the person that was calling her...

"What the hell? Did she just hang up on me?" Aiya stares at her screen and across the screen it said,

Minh's Cell

"Pfftt. I'll call her again." Aiya says punching in the digits.

Just when she was about to fall back asleep...Minh's phone goes off...again.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~

This time Minh picks up the phone and removes the battery and throws it back down on the floor. Again..Aiya stares at her at her screen.

Minh's Cell

She dials the number again and gets immediately sent to the automated voicemail system.

The number you have reached is not available, please hang up and dial again.

She quickly hangs up and dials the digits again, and again...she is sent to the voicemail.

The number you have reached is not available, please hang up and dia-. *CLICK!*

Frustrated, she shuts her phone. "UGH! Stupid MINH! What's the point in you having a phone if you never pick up, not to mention ignoring my phone calls!" Aiya yells.

'A few hours later, Minh gets up alive and refreshed. Not realizing she had hung up on Aiya earlier that morning, she goes back to her phone and checks her calls.'

10 Missed Calls

As she stares at her screen wondering who its from, she clicks on View Missed Calls...and all the way down the screen showed Aiya's name.

"Ohhh...crap...don't tell me..." she face palms herself on the forehead and calls Aiya back.

Letting the phone ring, Aiya picks up on the 3rd ring and immediately starts fussing at Minh.

'Blah blah blah blah!'

After 15 minutes on the phone with Aiya, Minh tries to say something but gets cut off.

"Get your ass dressed and meet us at the mall!" *CLICK!*

Listening to the sudden dial tones, she removes the phone from her ear and stares at the screen.

Aiya's Cell

"The hell..? and she says I hang up on her?...well whatever..."

Quickly gets dressed and heads downstairs for breakfast, Minh talks to her parents and then gives them both good bye kisses on their cheeks.

"Gotta go meet everyone at the mall..see ya later!" Rushing out the door with a slice toast still in her mouth. "Oh crap! almost forgot." Rushing back inside the house, she runs back to her room and grabs her cell phone. "can't forget this."

'20 minutes later...'

Tapping her foot impatiently, "Where the hell is she?!" But before Aiya could say anymore, Princess spots Minh running towards them.

"Here she comes." Princess says.

Trying so catch her breath, Minh apologizes for being late. "Sorry I was caught in traffic."

"Forget the apologizing, we need to do some major shopping before we go. I don't wanna go anywhere with my current fashion brand of clothes," says Aiya.

☆ Chapter 2: Afternoon Picnic and an Encouraging Moment

Slowly walking behind their parents..carrying everything for the picnic, the girls continue start talking about trip.

"Man i'm so tired...I was so excited all yesterday night I couldn't get a wink of sleep," Minh yawns.

April says, "Well let's just hope this works out..." All the girls nod, some still half asleep and others wide awake.

Setting up the picnic blanket, food, and utensils...the girls quietly take their seats across their parents. Minh's dad notices the awkward silence from the group and girls and asks, "What's the matter? You girls are awfully quiet this afternoon."

"Yeah..I noticed that myself.." Minh's mother adds on. "Their usually all hyper and happy at this time of day."

Aiya then jabs Minh on the side and whispers, "hurry up and tell them already." Minh then looks at April and eventually all the girls staring at each other not knowing how to start it off.

-cough- "ahem...dear loving parents..we wish to notify you of something important." Minh explains. Then all the married couples look at each other with confused expressions and then quietly put all their attention towards Minh.

"Well yesterday...Aiya came running to me and April in class with a small piece of paper...an-" Minh quickly gets cut off by April.

"And we just wanted to know...if you guys would mind reading it over?..."

Grabbing the paper from Minh, April slowly sets in the middle of the blanket for everyone to see. All of their parents immediately had their eyes glued to the small sheet of paper.

Waiting quietly and silently as their parents read the small sheet of paper one by one...Aiya's dad then says, "well i'm proud of you Aiya for winning the speech tournament...but the trip to South Korea sounds is a bit much..."

Shocked from the answer given from her father, Aiya began to protest.

"b-but DAD! it's a once and a life time chance for us! who knows when this kind of opportunity will come up again..i mean look! everything's already paid for." Aiya whines.

"I know I know...but to let you girls go on your own just like that is terrifying fo-" as Aiya's dad was about to finish, he gets cut off mid-sentence by a unexplained gentle touch from his wife.

"Now dear...Aiya and her friends are old enough to look after themselves...i'm sure letting go overseas just this one time won't hurt," her mother explains. Hoping their parents would give in, the girls began to get excited..until they were interrupted.

"Now you girls shouldn't get excited just yet, we never agreed to this." Minh's dad says. Minh was just about to do the pleading along with her puppy eyes, when her father stopped her. "Minh..don't go there, that won't work on me this time."

Shaken by her father's reaction, Minh begins to plead anyways.

"Dad pleeasseeee...can't you just let us go just this once? Pretty please?" Staring at her daughter, Minh's mother shakes her head in disappointment. "Minh you shouldn't do that, your just making matters worse."

"BUT MOOOMMM!!" Minh starts complaining. Her mother gives her the look that made Minh back away just slightly and go quiet. "No means no Minh."

The other three girls were doing the silent treatment, not knowing what to do...they just sat there and watched in agony. After a quiet and silent hour through the picnic, things began to feel awkward for the parents. They weren't used to seeing the girls so silent and quiet. April's dad was just about to say something before he was jabbed on the side by his wife.

But then...one of the parents speak up, not knowing who it was everyone looked up.

"Okay give us a few days to think this over...I understand your situation, but to just randomly come up to us with this subject is too sudden," April's father says.

A big huge sigh then comes from the girls, and they finally give in. "Fine...but we need to know by next weekend, or else it'll be too late" April says, "You better promise us you'll talk it over with each other. This really means a lot to us."

All the parents nod in agreement, and then continued on with their picnic...enjoying and laughing like any normal family should.

'At home, Minh begins to ponder about how the current situation didn't work out too well, not knowing how to solve it without her friends, she tries to forget about for the night and to get a good nights rest '

☆ Chapter 1: The Start of Our Summer Vacation


'summer vacation is finally here...'


'but what should we do...3 months off and i haven't planned anything yet for the group...'


After finally realizing someone was calling her name, "Huh...? Oh..sorry I was thinking."

"Geez women! I've called your name who knows how many times. Still thinking about how to spend your summer vacation I bet?" April says.

"Yup..that's exactly what I was thinking, but I don't wanna spend it at my grandparents place this summer..it's so boring there. Minh pouts, "all they do is yap about how well i'm going to do and what not..seriously they never stop and it gets on my last nerve."

"HAHA! well what else would you ex-" April stops mid-sentence, hearing a loud scream coming down from the halls. "MIINNNHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAAPPPRRRRIIILLLL!!!!!!"

Both Minh and April facepalm themselves, "Oh geez..here she comes." Looking towards the doorway, Aiya comes dashing through the door towards Minh's desk.

All giddy and jumpy and trying to catch her breath, Aiya quickly snatches this random paper from her pocket and shows it to her best friends. "Look look LOOOKKKK!"

Minh stares at her,"Well we can't really look if your waving it around so much! keep still for a little bit will you!" Ripping it out of Aiya's hands, Minh quickly skims through the paper.

Reading aloud the information,

"1st Place in the Speech Tournament...
Grand Prize - 3 free month vacation to South Korea with 4 friends of your choice...all plane tickets and expenses paid for." pausing and re-reading the last line, Minh's jaw drops.

"Free 3 month vacation to South Korea?!"

"WHAT?! REALLY?!" April quickly snatches the small piece of paper from Minh's hands to read.

Skimming quickly through the paper April adds on, "the trip will date had already been verified for the dates of O4/22 - O7/O1. Ticket expires the day after returning home."

The three of them then look up at each other and then back down at the paper, "OMFG! WE GET TO GO TO SOUTH KOREA!" All excited and jumping for joy, not noticing Feeqa and Princess came into the classroom looking for their friends.

Aiya looks up and notices Feeqa and Princess , quickly runs over to them and drags them towards the group.

"What's up with everyone today? I know it's the last day of school and all...b-" Feeqa then gets a small sheet of paper pushed towards her face, and as she reads it, her everyday normal expression becomes excited with a wide grin. Quickly shoves it to Princess's hands she reads it as well.

Wide-eyed full of excitement, "THIS IS OUR CHANCE! WE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS MOMENT!"

Then all 5 of them start twirling around in a circle, spinning around happily. Minh then stops spinning, making everyone else run into each other and tumbling to the floor. "But we still need to talk to our parents about it, we can't just pack our things and leave just like that."

"Thats true...okay first of all everyone needs to go home and talk it through with their parents..." April says.

Butting in Aiya mentions, "Well why don't we just group our parents together for a meeting and then we can ask together?"

"Okay, we should do it as soon as possible because the 22nd is next weekend. How about conducting the meeting tomorrow? We can gather everyone for a picnic at the park," Feeqa explains.

"That sounds good enough for me," Minh says.

"Okay, Girard Park..tomorrow afternoon around...2?" Princess suggested. Everyone else nods in agreement. All the girls grouped together, "Let's put our hands on this." Aiya says.

"1..2..3...HWAITING! ~"


"Summer vacation..HERE WE COME!!!" Minh shouts dashing out the door.