Sunday, April 25, 2010

☆ Chapter 4: Shopping, Packing, and Leaving

'half the day into shopping'

"Aiiiyyyaaaa!!! Aren't you done yet..? Does it seriously take you this long...for a wardrobe?" April complains. Right when Aiya was about to answer her, she hears another complaint.

"My legs are tired!!!!..can we sit down..PLEASE?!" Feeqa says in a frustrated manner, and when April was about to answer...just then a 3rd complaint comes along..of course Minh. "AIYY-" but before she could finish the rest of her name, Aiya immediately turns around and shouts out.

"OH! STOP BEING WHINEY BABIES ALREADY! SHEESH! I never complain going shopping with any of you."

Minh then points out, "but thats different, we don't stay here half the day looking for clothes." The feeling of agitation gets to Aiya as she drags her handful of shopping bags towards a table. "Fine we'll take a break."

"YES! FINALLY!" everyone else but Aiya shouts with excitement. Once they had their table, their stomaches were growling like no food obviously came to mind. "Man i'm so hungry..." Minh says, but then realizing she hasn't heard a complaint from this one person...Princess. "How come you haven't talked at all today?"

Princess says, "Tired..thats all." Staring back at Minh realizing she didn't bother listening to her answer, she spotted everyone else at the Starbucks counter. "Coffee..I could definitely use some of that for sure," and walks over towards the rest of them.

Once everyone was satisfied with their drinks and food, they started to chat on about the trip and how exciting it would be. "OMGee! I can't wait til' next weekend! We're gonna be so tired..but then we're gonna have a best time of our lives at the same time!!" All giddy and excited as Feeqa jumps up and down in her seat.

Excited about their upcoming trip, drinking, laughing, and enjoying their time together..made time go by faster then expected.

'The night before the trip'

Let's just say..all the girls are extremely happy for the trip...I mean who wouldn't be? They're all packing their suitcases, yelling for their parents asking if they needed anything, checking the checklist to see they didn't forget anything..of course the passport. Now we surely can't forget that...wait! Let's rewind back a little bit there...passport? Uh oh...someone was panicking...I wonder who it is? Let's go on with the story and find out for ourselves.

"MMMOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!! DDDDDDDAAAAAAAAADDDDDD!!!!! HAVE YOU SEEN MY PASSPORT?!?!?! I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!!" Minh yells frantically. Of course she would lose it...she loses everything..the messiest person in the group.

Shocked by the sudden yell from their daughter, her parents go running upstairs to see what the problem was. "My dear gosh Minh, what was that yelling for?" her mom says.

"My passport!! I can't find my passport!! I really need it, I can't leave without my passport!" Minh says frantically. Following Minh with their eyes, her parents begin to ask her questions where she last placed it.

Okay okay..let's move on to the next person...Aiya. Well unlike Minh, Aiya seems perfectly normal...right? You would probably think she's already in bed.

WRONG! As you can see..she's running around herself, packing the last minute..and what time is it?...midnight.

"Oh geez oh geez...where did I put those pair of jeans at?" Pacing around her room, Aiya tries to think a few hours back. "Think Aiya think! where did i last put it? Closet? just checked there. Drawer? no..not there either.." and then it clicked. "AH! WASHER! DAMN IT! now i have to go dry it!" As she runs down the stairs quickly down towards the laundry room to find her favorite pair of pants dripping with water. "ugh..great.." quickly she tears them out the washing machine and immediately throws them in the dryer.

Now that's pretty much taken care of..let's go check out how April's doing. Oh? Look it here..surfing the web..? Well then..where's her suitcase?...*spots the suitcase neatly zipped up and ready* Looks like she's finished. Nothing much to see here i suppose...moving on.

Feeqa on the other already asleep. Of course you need your beauty rest for a nice and bright wonderful morning. Let's not bother her here...shhhhh.....!! Let's see how Princess is doing.

"There! ALL DONE!" Princess smiles happily placing her passport on top of her suitcase..hoping she won't forget it. Finally finished with her packing, Princess checks her phone to see if she missed anything..and apparently not. No calls, nor texts messages. As she dresses herself for bed, her phone goes off...and who is it? MINH!

'flips open her phone to answer it'

"....hello?" Through the speaker she hears rummaging noises and random sounds. "hellooo?" Princess answers again. After a few minutes, "maybe it was an accidental call?...oh well. Time for bed!"

'closes her phone'


'the morning of the trip'

Everyone was to meet at the airport by 12 that afternoon, but before that...came a final breakfast before the long 3 month vacation. Quickly munching through the breakfast, Minh looks at her watch. "OH SNAPS! It's already 11:30...we gotta hurry!" After hearing that of course..everyone chokes on a piece of something and starts slurping and throwing everything leftover on their dish into their stomachs.

'at the airport'

By the time the girls and their parents got to the airport...they had made it just in time to go through the luggage claim and security check to get their plane tickets. "oohhh this is a dream come true! i can't believe we're really going...i just can't believe it!" Aiya says, dreamingly staring at her ticket.

Minh who was staring at her like she was in her own dream land could only say, "Wooowwww...a free ticket to Seoul...ahhh ~," but then she gets interrupted by a tug on her arm.

"Oh geez you two! hurry up will you?! we're gonna be late if you just keep standing here," Feeqa says. As quick as the week passed by, going through the security check and luggage claim went by like nothing, and the next thing you know..they were already waving their parents goodbye.

On the plane, everyone was getting comfortable in their seats, and as for the girls who were going overseas for the first time...were truly amazed at how big the airplane was. It had 10 individual seats going across and 7 rows filled with people. Looking who was sitting next to her, April quickly looks up and notices Princess and Minh..and then Aiya and Feeqa the next row over. Minh had already snoozed off, must've had a hectic night she thought to herself. Princess was reading her reading her book that she was so into and didn't bother looking up. As for Aiya and Feeqa..they were chatting away about their own business.


'28 hour flight...I mind as well take a nap since I got nothing else to do.' April thought. So then she leans her seat backwards, puts her earphones on and listens to her ipod. Feeling the smooth rhythm of the plane..she quickly falls asleep.

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