Sunday, April 25, 2010

☆ Chapter 5: Our Destination..? South Korea

The bright sunlight cracked through the airplane window sill..waking up April who was enjoying her cozy slumber. Removing the earphones and adjusting her seat, she looked around to see how everyone else was doing.

"Looks like their still sleeping..." she mumbled to herself.

Lifting the window cover, the sunlight slowly peeked through shining bright enough hopefully to wake everyone else up. As April looked out the window, they were still above the marshmallow looked as though the plane was flying at a extremely slow speed. Staring down at nothingness amused April, as she loved watching the clouds when she was younger but this time above air. Suddenly she was interrupted by the flight attendant...

"Excuse me ma'm? Would you like some breakfast?" the lady asked.

In reply April said, "Yes please, and thank you." The lady took out a breakfast tray from underneath the cart and handed it to April. As the lady set the tray in April's hand, she asked, "Would you also like a beverage to drink?"

"Water please," April requested. Giving her the water, the lady said, "Enjoy your meal, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask," and moved on to the next seat. Letting out a big sigh, April stared down at her breakfast tray that contained 2 slices of toast, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Looking at it made her mouth water and so she dug in.

'after 15 minutes'

"Whew! That hit the spot..I didn't think I was that hungry," she thought. Slowly drinking down her glass of iced water, April spotted something moving at the corner of her eyesight. Apparently...Minh made a tiny movement in her sleep, trying to get comfortable..her hand lifted up in the air and smacked the glass out of April's hand spilling it all over Princess.

"AH! THAT'S COLD!!" Princess popped up yelling in her seat, disturbing Minh who didn't even bother looking up to see the cause of it. "...ughh..keep it down will you..i'm trying to sleep here..." Minh mumbled in her sleep, shifting the blanket up to cover herself more. Princess's yell woke up Aiya and Feeqa who were sound asleep.

Rubbing her eyes, Aiya sat up and looked around to find out where the sudden scream came from. Feeqa sat up and immediately looked to where Princess was sitting and pointed that direction, making it supposedly simpler for Aiya instead of searching around. Stunned at what just happened, April took hold of her napkin and immediately started to wipe down Princess apologizing; while wiping April used all her force to kick Minh in the shin to wake her up.

"THE HELL! OUCH! What was that for?!" Minh popped up feeling the pain in her right leg. "YOU!" April fussed back. With a confused expression on her face, Minh having no idea what just happened randomly thought from the top of her head...she was being yelled at for no reason. Ticked off, April started fussing at Minh.

"Look what you did, you idiotic moron!" April rapidly points at the water spills on Princess's shirt. Slowly but surely, it took a few seconds for Minh to respond to that; and she yelled back, "Well! It's not like I did it on purpose!" After a while the argument slowly got to a climax and awoke everyone passenger in the plane. Other passengers started towards the back and noticed the random yelling and screaming, and random man yelled, "SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY! YOUR BICKERING IS DISTURBING THE OTHERS HERE!" That of course...ticked off Minh and the next thing you knew...everyone was screaming and hollering at each other.

'the sudden chaos alerted the flight attendant at the front of the plane'

Walking through the curtains, the attendant powered up the radio and announced, "SHUTTT UPPPP!!!!!!"


After a while it registered to the passengers and shocked them to hear such a thing over the intercom. The intercom went silent for a few minutes and then came back on announcing something more polite, "Please calm're all disturbing the pilot's..they're trying to fly this plane."

It was silent, and then a sudden uproar responded in return.


Everyone was talking all at once, but it didn't bother Aiya...because she was thinking about something totally different.

'a flight attendant said...shut up? cursing..i thought they were suppose to be well trained. what kind of company would hire somebody like that?...really? oh well..this might get interesting.'

Trying to shake off all those questions, Aiya shook herself back to reality. She looked to her left and noticed Feeqa's shocked look. Ignoring that, she turned towards Minh, April, and Princess and noticed they were dead silent. Looking around, she noticed everyone yelling and screaming out randomly..then..she couldn't take it anymore. She stood up in her seat and screamed from the top of her lungs, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!!" silence.

Eyeing everyone, Aiya took a breather and said in a calm manner, "Everyone you need to be calm, no ones going to die or anything. The sudden uproar is causing everyone to please...just sit back down in your seats...think happy thoughts and enjoy the rest of the plane ride to your destination."


'Everyone takes their seat slowly and steady, but soft whispers and murmurs go about'

Thinking to herself, not noticing the OMGee expressions on all her friend's faces. Minh and April had their mouth's hanging wide open, while Feeqa and Princess just stared at her wide-eyed in amazement. Smiling, she looked at her friend's with satisfactory and noticed their expressions.

"What...?" she said.

April replied, "That was brave of you."

"Heh..thanks.." Aiya shyly admits, then she shifts her eyes towards Minh who had given her the "OMG that was FRICKEN AWESOME" look. Not bothering, Aiya moves on the her partner Feeqa.

Feeqa stares at her and replies, "Amazing...."

"Definitely something I wouldn't be brave enough to do.." Princess comments. Immediately after that, the intercom comes back on and announces that the plane will be arriving at it's destination within the next hour and then shuts off.

Bouncing up and down with excitement, Aiya starts squealing with happiness. Minh looks outside her window and thinks..'yes we're almost there!' While April randomly grabs Minh and starts shaking uncontrollably with glee. Feeqa and Princess were in total stillness, but you could tell they were happy too. Slowly the time begins the pass.

'an hour later'

"Ah ah, this thing on?" the flight attendant voice hovers over the intercom and suddenly starts tapping to make sure the sound was clear. "Looks like it does..-ahem- Ladies and Gentleman..we are arriving at our destination. Please fix your seat in an upright position and buckle your seat belts, thank you."

Slowly the girls feel the sudden pressure, of the plane going downwards and their ears begin to pop. Looking outside again, April notices right below her, the capital of Korea...Seoul. In amazement, she stares down at the city as the view gets closer and closer. The sudden screech of the plane notifies the others that they have finally landed. As the plane finds its parking space near the airport gates, the girls silently wait in they're seats until a complete stop.


Once the seatbelt sign turned off, the girls shot right up and started gathering their belongings together. The flight attendant opens the hatch and the other passengers slowly start gathering their belongings and filing out the door. Rolling their suitcases, the girls enter the Seoul airport and looking up across it said 오신 것을 환영합니다 서울, 한국.

Feeqa drags her eyes across the foreign sign and reads aloud, "Welcome to Seoul, Korea." The other girls immediately turn their attention towards Feeqa in shock, and without wasting another minute..

"You that?" Aiya asked and Feeqa nods.

"Woww...those just look like lines to me..." Minh says, staring at the sign one last time.

Then without another thought, Feeqa says, "Well I've been studying my Korean for a while, i'm surprised i could read it myself." The girls start walking and staring around in total awe. Pulling the suitcases out the door, Feeqa calls for a taxi driver for the five of them and explains in Korean where they're destination is.

"우리는 피곤하고 지쳐, 우리는 당신이 근처에서 가장 가까운 호텔로 우리를 데리고해야합니다."
(we're tired and exhausted, we need you to bring us to the closest hotel near here.)

All the girls packed the suitcases in the trunk and filed into the taxi. The taxi driver nods in agreement and takes off towards the hotel suite.

'20 minutes later'

The group of friends finally arrives to the hotel, they start filing out the car, Feeqa thanks the driver and pays him before shutting the door. Gathering in a circle, Minh announces, "We finally arrived...let's get this vacation started!"

"YEAHHHH!!!!!" the rest of them scream, causing bystanders to look their way.

Quickly, looking up at the name of the hotel and looking down again, the girls move on in through the automated double doors and enter...not knowing of the future events that will take place ahead of them.

1 comment:

  1. I can TOTALLY imagine us being that excited and loud. LMAO. And WHOA DEI! YOU CAN READ & UNDERSTAND HANGUL?! XD I only understood Seoul, Korea. Lol. WHA. I WONDER WHAT'S NEXT. *JUMPS UP AND DOWN* XD
