Sunday, April 25, 2010

☆ Chapter 3: The Final Decision

'The next morning'

The girls group together at Minh's house for a meeting, staring at each other not knowing where to start off. "OKAY...!" Feeqa slams her hands on the table to rid of the silence, "what's the plan here? we can't just leave this alone..or we'll never get to go."

Startled by the sound, Princess adds in, "well it's not like we have a choice..our parents are still deciding."

"I just don't understand why they won't let us go..I mean we're not kids anymore, we just graduated high school for god's sake!" Aiya exclaims. "I'm glad they're talking it over, but who knows how long they'll take..they probably won't answer us until the last minute."

'Minh begins to ponder'

"Minh what should we do?!" Everyone puts their eyes on Minh, hoping for an immediate answer.

'what should we do? i wish i could have total control over they're decision'


'but i don't...why do they make things harder then it seems? a simple yes would solve this whole problem'



Getting back to reality..."ah ~ sorry..i was thinking to myself again...," said Minh. "Well geez, quit going off into your own world, we need to solve this situation!" Aiya says. Not knowing what to say, the girls go into silent mode.

"ARRGGHHHH!!! THIS ISN'T WORKING OUT RIGHT! What happened to a simple YES?!" Feeqa says in frustration.

"Well we can't do anything until our parents make their decision," April says in a calm manner. "Getting frustrated won't help a thing..calm down will you Feeqa."

Minh gives out a big sigh and lays down. "Plus we can't leave without our passports parents have it locked up in the safe. I don't even know the code to it...being patient for now is the best we can do."

"Maybe they're just afraid something bad will happen to us..." Princess mumbles quietly. "It is quite scary flying overseas for so many hours."

'as the hours pass, the sun sets slowly...the girls begin to think it might not work after all, and slowly begin to fall asleep..until...'

"GIRLSSS!! COME DOWNSTAIRS IMMEDIATELY!!!" the yelling startled them and they immediately got up and ran downstairs to see what was going on.

Coming down the stairs..they turn towards the opened livingroom door and notice all the parents gathered together, with a serious expression on each of their faces.

"Ohhh...boy," Aiya quietly whispers. Silently she begins to pray for a positive feedback from her parents, hoping for them to say yes.

Clearing his throat, Minh's father explains the situation carefully.

'Blah blah blah blah'

After hearing what everyone had to say, slowly but surely...the girls began to smile.

"So...does that mean we can go?" Minh says.

Minh's father holds his finger up, "Yes it does...BUT.." Minh stares at him, "but what?"

'clearing up his throat' Minh's father finishes up his words, "you must follow this one rule in order for you to go."

"....go on..." Minh says.

Minh's father goes on explaining the situation. "You'll each receive a personal cellular device, that parents only know about. It had our numbers already saved in long as you call us at least every other day, that way we'll kno-"

Minh cuts him off, "to know were safe right? yes get that. now let's get to the point that a yes?"

All the parents look at each other and nod in agreement and immediately the girls go haywire with excitement.


"HOLD IT!" Feeqa's mother screams at the overly excited girls.

Shocked from the sudden scream, the girls stop right then and there, staring at Feeqa's mother. "You can't go anywhere without your passports."

Slowly their passports their parents remove the passports from their hands, Aiya immediately snatches hers and dashes for the stairs.

" about major road-runner..." Minh stares after her and then turns her attention back to her parents.

After thanking their parents and giving them so many hugs and kisses, the girls all head back upstairs. They begin talking about places they would want to visit and who to meet. Chatting happily and excitedly for so long, made time pass quickly. Eventually it got dark and everyone began heading home, hoping the week will pass by fast enough for them to leave.

'laying in her bed, April begins to think how exciting it would be to travel some place other than the states. Being so excited put her to sleep looking towards the upcoming day."

The sun shining brightly through her curtains, Minh slightly groans hoping for a few more hours of sleep...when her phone went off.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~

Annoyed with her phone, she looks at the caller ID and recognizes the number, flipping open the phone and then shutting it ignoring the phone call. On the other hand..the person that was calling her...

"What the hell? Did she just hang up on me?" Aiya stares at her screen and across the screen it said,

Minh's Cell

"Pfftt. I'll call her again." Aiya says punching in the digits.

Just when she was about to fall back asleep...Minh's phone goes off...again.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ~

This time Minh picks up the phone and removes the battery and throws it back down on the floor. Again..Aiya stares at her at her screen.

Minh's Cell

She dials the number again and gets immediately sent to the automated voicemail system.

The number you have reached is not available, please hang up and dial again.

She quickly hangs up and dials the digits again, and again...she is sent to the voicemail.

The number you have reached is not available, please hang up and dia-. *CLICK!*

Frustrated, she shuts her phone. "UGH! Stupid MINH! What's the point in you having a phone if you never pick up, not to mention ignoring my phone calls!" Aiya yells.

'A few hours later, Minh gets up alive and refreshed. Not realizing she had hung up on Aiya earlier that morning, she goes back to her phone and checks her calls.'

10 Missed Calls

As she stares at her screen wondering who its from, she clicks on View Missed Calls...and all the way down the screen showed Aiya's name.

"Ohhh...crap...don't tell me..." she face palms herself on the forehead and calls Aiya back.

Letting the phone ring, Aiya picks up on the 3rd ring and immediately starts fussing at Minh.

'Blah blah blah blah!'

After 15 minutes on the phone with Aiya, Minh tries to say something but gets cut off.

"Get your ass dressed and meet us at the mall!" *CLICK!*

Listening to the sudden dial tones, she removes the phone from her ear and stares at the screen.

Aiya's Cell

"The hell..? and she says I hang up on her?...well whatever..."

Quickly gets dressed and heads downstairs for breakfast, Minh talks to her parents and then gives them both good bye kisses on their cheeks.

"Gotta go meet everyone at the mall..see ya later!" Rushing out the door with a slice toast still in her mouth. "Oh crap! almost forgot." Rushing back inside the house, she runs back to her room and grabs her cell phone. "can't forget this."

'20 minutes later...'

Tapping her foot impatiently, "Where the hell is she?!" But before Aiya could say anymore, Princess spots Minh running towards them.

"Here she comes." Princess says.

Trying so catch her breath, Minh apologizes for being late. "Sorry I was caught in traffic."

"Forget the apologizing, we need to do some major shopping before we go. I don't wanna go anywhere with my current fashion brand of clothes," says Aiya.

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