Sunday, April 25, 2010

☆ Chapter 2: Afternoon Picnic and an Encouraging Moment

Slowly walking behind their parents..carrying everything for the picnic, the girls continue start talking about trip.

"Man i'm so tired...I was so excited all yesterday night I couldn't get a wink of sleep," Minh yawns.

April says, "Well let's just hope this works out..." All the girls nod, some still half asleep and others wide awake.

Setting up the picnic blanket, food, and utensils...the girls quietly take their seats across their parents. Minh's dad notices the awkward silence from the group and girls and asks, "What's the matter? You girls are awfully quiet this afternoon."

"Yeah..I noticed that myself.." Minh's mother adds on. "Their usually all hyper and happy at this time of day."

Aiya then jabs Minh on the side and whispers, "hurry up and tell them already." Minh then looks at April and eventually all the girls staring at each other not knowing how to start it off.

-cough- "ahem...dear loving parents..we wish to notify you of something important." Minh explains. Then all the married couples look at each other with confused expressions and then quietly put all their attention towards Minh.

"Well yesterday...Aiya came running to me and April in class with a small piece of" Minh quickly gets cut off by April.

"And we just wanted to know...if you guys would mind reading it over?..."

Grabbing the paper from Minh, April slowly sets in the middle of the blanket for everyone to see. All of their parents immediately had their eyes glued to the small sheet of paper.

Waiting quietly and silently as their parents read the small sheet of paper one by one...Aiya's dad then says, "well i'm proud of you Aiya for winning the speech tournament...but the trip to South Korea sounds is a bit much..."

Shocked from the answer given from her father, Aiya began to protest.

"b-but DAD! it's a once and a life time chance for us! who knows when this kind of opportunity will come up again..i mean look! everything's already paid for." Aiya whines.

"I know I know...but to let you girls go on your own just like that is terrifying fo-" as Aiya's dad was about to finish, he gets cut off mid-sentence by a unexplained gentle touch from his wife.

"Now dear...Aiya and her friends are old enough to look after themselves...i'm sure letting go overseas just this one time won't hurt," her mother explains. Hoping their parents would give in, the girls began to get excited..until they were interrupted.

"Now you girls shouldn't get excited just yet, we never agreed to this." Minh's dad says. Minh was just about to do the pleading along with her puppy eyes, when her father stopped her. "Minh..don't go there, that won't work on me this time."

Shaken by her father's reaction, Minh begins to plead anyways.

"Dad pleeasseeee...can't you just let us go just this once? Pretty please?" Staring at her daughter, Minh's mother shakes her head in disappointment. "Minh you shouldn't do that, your just making matters worse."

"BUT MOOOMMM!!" Minh starts complaining. Her mother gives her the look that made Minh back away just slightly and go quiet. "No means no Minh."

The other three girls were doing the silent treatment, not knowing what to do...they just sat there and watched in agony. After a quiet and silent hour through the picnic, things began to feel awkward for the parents. They weren't used to seeing the girls so silent and quiet. April's dad was just about to say something before he was jabbed on the side by his wife.

But of the parents speak up, not knowing who it was everyone looked up.

"Okay give us a few days to think this over...I understand your situation, but to just randomly come up to us with this subject is too sudden," April's father says.

A big huge sigh then comes from the girls, and they finally give in. "Fine...but we need to know by next weekend, or else it'll be too late" April says, "You better promise us you'll talk it over with each other. This really means a lot to us."

All the parents nod in agreement, and then continued on with their picnic...enjoying and laughing like any normal family should.

'At home, Minh begins to ponder about how the current situation didn't work out too well, not knowing how to solve it without her friends, she tries to forget about for the night and to get a good nights rest '

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